There may be instances where you’d like to make an online purchase but find that your credit card is nowhere in sight. You know the credit card number and expiration date, but the website is asking for the cvv code.
Now, you could be asking, is there a way to get the cvv without having your credit card on hand? What about finding the cvv from a CVV shop?
Why is a CVV Needed to Make a Purchase Online?
Credit card fraud is on the rise as more and more people find it convenient to shop online.
Hackers find harvesting credit cards to be a profitable affair. They do this in a number of ways- skimming on point of sale systems or sending malware to a company computer to try and steal valuable customer information.
The CVV, or card verification value is the card company and users’ first line of defense. If you enter it wrong then the purchase wouldn’t go through. Reputable retail websites will ask for it to weed out the real cardholders from the counterfeit ones.
It’s important to note that the cvv code can only be found in one location- the physical credit card. It does not exist anywhere else, and even card company representatives would not know it. Making an online purchase even on a reputable website will be virtually impossible if you don’t have this on hand.
What About the CVV on a CVV Shop?
Only one cvv is assigned to a credit card at any point in time. Thus, the only way to get a cvv is when you order a replacement card for the one you’ve lost.
A CVV shop does not sell card cvvs. It’s a website that sells credit card information, labeled ‘dumps’ to those who need it. Apart from the cvv code you also get the corresponding credit card number and expiration date.
You may be wondering how hackers could obtain cvv codes when they don’t have the card with them. While it’s true that the code can only be found on the physical card, POS or point of sale systems and retail site databases can store them temporarily.
Phishing attempts, skimming and hacking into a database are just a few things hackers can do to obtain a credit card’s security code. Carding platforms buy them in bulk once they’re verified and when the hacker has made small purchases to verify the validity.
The Bottom Line
While the cvv is not needed in brick and mortar establishments, it’s a requirement when you’re on the internet checking out a product.
Without it, you won’t be able to complete the transaction. In cases where you lose your card, the only way to use it again is to call your card company and request for a replacement.
The best CVV shop will have a stock of working credit cards anytime but they won’t have the cvv for your particular credit card. They offer a whole new set of dumps, which contain the card number, expiration date and cvv code.