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Game Development Trends of 2021

Game Development Trends of 2021

Game development is a forever-shifting platform with technology integration and innovative applications leading the way. In online slots, for example people can now play to win an accumulating jackpot which makes it more exciting.

Check out these 4 game development trends happening right now.


Game development will soon have more inclusivity as other industries are using it to optimize their workforce.

Big name companies and studios are making huge announcements to make this happen, with Nintendo leading the way.


5G is a relatively new technology that improves upon the current 4G network. Mainly speaking, it will serve to power cloud gaming and reduce latency that’s essential for smooth online play.

5G drives mobility, and the faster the internet speeds on smartphones and tablets the better the experience it will be in general.

This technology impacts game development in a big way since it has the ability to transform mobile games into full-fledged AAA titles that are normally seen on consoles.


eSports temporarily took a break in the outbreak of COVID-19, but the industry is slowly resuming its offline tournaments.

This aspect is looking to grow bigger than ever, with spectator sports already a huge success. With so much money on the line, game developers will want a slice of the pie by incorporating elements that make a title worthy of being featured in a tournament.

AR and VR

We’re only getting a peek at what AR and VR can do, but it’s a promising genre and one that developers will want to focus their attention on.

Hardware for it are already here, and developers should follow suit to get a share of the revenue. It won’t be long before gamers are spoiled for choices- playing your favorite casino game on can be viewed in a VR headset or AR mode for a more immersive experience.