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How Can Technology Help Prevent Vandalism?

How Can Technology Help Prevent Vandalism?

In the modern world, technology is everywhere you look – whether you’re travelling out in public, at work or school, or simply in your own home, it’s very likely that technology in one form or another influences your day-to-day activities.

It’s often the case that existing industries and professions are hugely impacted by changes and upgrades to technology, as various processes become either automated, easier to complete or extremely enhanced in their capabilities – paving the way for changes in the way they operate and the particular tasks they can complete.

One industry that has certainly been impacted by the development of new technologies is the security industry. The advent of various security technologies has made being a member of the public or a property owner in general much safer, as there is far more likelihood of detecting intruders before they can do any damage, and also a much greater ability to identify and track down any would-be intruder or assailant – and therefore a far greater deterrent exists than there was in the past.

Amongst the types of crime security technology can help to prevent or deter is vandalism. Vandalism usually comes under the bracket of damage or destruction of private or public property, such as the breaking of windows or spraying of graffiti. This type of crime can be easily committed but cause significant stress for any home or business owner.

Read on to find out more about how different technologies can help prevent vandalism.

Security Lights

One of the best ways to deter criminals from targeting your property, as well as scare away and identify offenders that decide to engage in an act of vandalism, is installing high-quality security lights.

Light is a huge natural deterrent during the day time, as it makes it easy for the public or security services to spot nefarious activity taking place – meaning property owners should take steps to maintain high levels of light during the night time too.

Making sure no crucial areas are left unlit, including doorways and alleyways, will scare off potential vandals.

CCTV Cameras

The most well-known and effective method of protecting your property from vandalism is the installation of CCTV cameras. CCTV is useful across the comprehensive range of security functions, from deterrent, to allowing authorities to be notified in the event of vandalism.

Most important is likely CCTV’s ability to capture the nefarious actions on camera, the footage of which can then easily be used to identify the suspect and prosecute them for their illegal activities.

High-Frequency Sound

Another less well-known technological solution for deterring and preventing vandalism is that of using high frequency sound.

High-frequency sound can be an incredibly useful tool to stop vandalism, as its constant presence can make loitering in a particular spot uncomfortable, especially to younger people, who are often the perpetrators of this kind of crime.

Frequencies are transmitted at around 16-18KHz, with adults generally losing the ability to hear this range as they age – meaning it is a discreet and effective tool particularly against younger people.