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How Does Gold ETF Stack With Forex?

How Does Gold ETF Stack With Forex?

If you’ve been an investor at one point in time then you’ll have a vague idea of how a stock market and a Forex works.

However, you may not know it but there’s a different kind of investment portfolio you can touch upon- Gold trading.

Here’s a breakdown on why you should consider gold instead of Forex.

24/7 Availability

Gold trading is generally limited to hours per day. The time you can swap resources and currencies is not available 24 hours a day. On the other hand, a Forex platform is available 24/5, and you can make a swap even in the early hours of the morning.

When looking for a reputable site to trade gold, consider joining Alfa Success PTY Limited. It’s easy to use, secure and can guarantee prompt actions whenever you need

Intrinsic Value

Forex deals with fiat exchanges, something that’s always moving even by the minute. As monies fluctuate so do the potential earnings and losses.

Gold is a precious resource and contains an intrinsic value unlike fiat currency. Gold ETFs are easy to navigate, and gold stands as one of the best investments due to it being very stable.

The value of gold tends to rise slowly and it’s liquidity is top-notch.

Risk Management

It’s true that Forex has leverage, especially when the investor has large sums of money. Many trading groups can work at a 500 to 1 ratio, which means a single investment of $1,000 can turn into $500,000.

Those who want stability though can choose gold. Expert investors tend to view gold as a natural hedge versus risk. Gold trading is not meant for short-term investments since they slowly appreciate in value even when other commodities fall.

Furthermore, gold has a universal appeal and is a very attractive prospect for those who want maximum returns and minimal risks.