Ice creams are one of the dishes that we most want in the hot season, especially if we are lovers of sweet things. But if you do not want to neglect the diet in the middle of summer, today we compare different supermarket tubs in search of the healthiest ice cream.
Commercial ice cream
We know that commercial ice creams belong to the ultra-processed family, a group of foods that have lower nutritional quality than those that are natural or minimally processed. However, we found a great diversity of options and maybe, we can get a healthy alternative in the middle of all the supermarket tubs.
Most of the ice creams are made up of a large proportion of water and air due to the milkshake involved in their production, but the calories are derived mainly from sugars and fats in varying amounts.
Ice cream fats
Fats are mostly saturated fats since ice cream is made with butter or whole milk, so it is the milk fat that is the protagonist. Although there are also ice cream with vegetable fats where you can hide palm oil that we should avoid in our diet if we want to protect health.
Also in processed foods such as ice cream, we can find trans fats that are a nutrient that we should avoid if we want to protect the health of the body, especially when its origin is industrial since they are not the same as the trans fats naturally present in foods.
Trans fats not only provide concentrated calories like other fats but also worsen the body’s lipid profile, thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease as indicated in a study published in 2006.
Likewise, trans fats have been linked in research published in the journal Obesity to a higher risk of weight gain and obesity as well as metabolic changes associated with abdominal adiposities such as insulin resistance and diabetes.
And as if that were not enough, they have also been associated with greater memory loss in the body due to its oxidative and inflammatory power. For all these reasons we must take special care with the fats that ice cream possesses, analyzing their quality and quantity.